          Jim Carrey - Inside the Actors Studio - BRAVO 0104 That sucking host James Lipton too suck to know that he has no right to open the time channel back any actor or actress to the original; actor/actress is career liar should always hide inside his or her private pla 酒店經紀ce, when he or she invited to cheer the audience up, the host must have no right to remind him or her about their most fearful enemy - "The Time Line"; not mention to recall the most unspeakable difficult time. You 找房子want to question anyone back to the original time, you have to tell yourself's First even you want to have right to question your sucking President runners background to that deepest darkest ties. Shame on you sucking shameles 有巢氏房屋s brainless immoral cold cold hard USA rich and famous all TV makers share holders to allow that sucking hosted happening under your sucking watch.Why I have right to tell you Jim Carrey is older than Angus Tung, Angus Tung was born in 1949? Because An 東森房屋gus Tung (His school name as 李瓊, he also has forms and names as "李進良" 小禎 " husband>; "唐志中" 小咪喵喵喵喵" husband>; "蘇永康"; "蘇.5.Phone" 余玲 husband 886-33-331032; 5166817003; 7186318895>) was my classmate, Jim Carrey (His school names as 陳?褐藻醣膠p方;吳小春;黃運海; he also has forms names as 吳曉農;陳志?;劉歡;劉至翰;周潤發; Brad Pitt; Mel Gibson; George Clooney; Arnold Schwarzenegger; Pete Sampras and more ) was our school mate, both of them are American werewolves slaved white trash tied linked many faces many forms many names along w 21世紀房屋仲介ith Condi Rice (She has the names and forms as "簡阿甘" "李菊花" "周方梅" "陳欣" "張毛毛" "梅艷芳" "湯花蘭" "蘇秀蘭"李瓊 wife>; 小禎-"Who.Inn.禎" as Angus Tung 李進良wife; Anita Hill, Sotomayor; Whitney Houston; Angelian Jolie and more ) Hillary Clinton (She has forms an 襯衫d names as "潘迎紫" "Sherry Wu-顧志慧"<in this form she married to Jim Carrey's another form 吳曉農; 73 Ambleside Crescent Sugarland TX 77479 2814942780>; "Ida Shaw-彭潤輝" <In this form, she abused her Airline, Airport, and White House working places experienced advantages to committed the crimes of 9 辦公室出租.11.2001 pattern of murdering crimes inside entire USA and around the world on the private and commercial airplanes/jets to become her murdering weapons for her personal gang and/or gain; 2813539357/3534198/3009865;> and more) to be forced tooled slaved controlled to committed many unknown election lies money laundry slavery smugglin 面膜g murdering crimes ordered by their unknown masters like US liar Bill Clinton for USA government to tearing down whatever Berlin Wall and collapse whatever USSR, broken whatever China gate, finished whatever Taiwan and/or Japan around the world.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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